Artists of all techniques and styles have until February 15, 2025, to register their works online and compete to be one of the 200 finalists in the Tartget Painting Prize, which distributes over €55,000 in prizes. Awards will be given in 10 categories, ranging from figurative to abstract art, including conceptual art. Works in Hyperrealism, Impressionism, Surrealism, and Abstraction are welcome.
The jury includes influential painters, collectors, gallery owners, curators, and art critics from five continents.
Eligibility: Open to all
What you get: Over €43,000 in cash prizes and more than 50 awards in painting materials, training, and promotion. By participating in the pre-deadline until December 23, 2024, you can secure one of 50 extra finalist spots. If you don’t succeed now, you’ll have another chance before the final deadline. The winners' and finalists' exhibition will be held at the Ateneo de Madrid, from June 5 to 12, 2025.
Fee: €50 for the first work (€30 for additional works); under 25s: €35 (€15 for additional works).
Deadline 23 December 2024