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Nice Dance Film Festival Open Call

Nice Dance Film Festival Open Call

Submission for dance short film at the 6th Nice Dance Film Festival are open. Where: Nice, France When: 6th-13th October 2024 Since 2018, in partnership with Un Festival c’est trop court! the Nice European short film festival, the Nice Dance Film has been celebrating the beauty of the body and movement, and the intersecting writings […]

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International Dance Festival Blois Danse Looking For Dance Films

International Dance Festival Blois Danse Looking For Dance Films

Festival Blois Danse is looking for short dance films (between 3 – 25 minutes) with hip-hop and/or mixing dance and sports. Where: Cinéma les Lobis, Blois, Fance When: July 6-7 Deadline for applications: May 10th, 2024 The Blois Danse Festival is looking to add a few short films to its edition this year. The Festival […]

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Call for Screendance EIVV + FIVB

Call for Screendance EIVV + FIVB

The International Meeting on Videodance and Videoperformance (EIVV, Valencia, Spain, 11th edition) and the Festival International de Vidéo Danse de Bourgogne (Burgundy, France, 16th edition) propose a shared call for works of screendance.Free submission Where: online + Valencia, Spain + Burgundy, Franc When: October 22 – 26, 2024 Deadline for applications: July 20, 2024 Selected […]

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Sans Souci Festival: Open Call for Dance Films (Screendances)

Sans Souci Festival: Open Call for Dance Films (Screendances)

Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema proudly invites submissions of screendances/dance films, documentaries, music videos, VR/360 works, and more for our 21st annual season in Boulder, Colorado (USA), and beyond, encouraging submissions from all artists regardless of affiliations or credentials. Where: Museum of Boulder & Dairy Arts Center, Boulder, Colorado, USA When: August through December […]

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tetralab #4 Screendance Workshop

tetralab #4 Screendance Workshop

TETRALAB -screendance workshop for dancers and choreographers Where: maison de la danse – Istres, France When: from August 19 to 31, 2024 Deadline for applications: June 30, 2024 TETRALAB gathers MOVERS (dancer performers) and MAKERS (choreographic artists) in order to produce dance films with a common emulsion. It is a practical training that offers to […]

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Dance Italia Film Festival, Second Edition: Synapse

Dance Italia Film Festival, Second Edition: Synapse

Dance Italia Film Festival, Second Edition: Synapse is open for submissions. Where: Motore592, Lucca, Italy When: July 8, 2024 Deadline for applications: May 1, 2024 The Dance Italia Film Festival, Second Edition: Synapse, will showcase innovative films whose themes revolve around connections throughout our world, and work that sheds light on dance and the human condition. We are especially interested in perspectives that defy linear paths and take a multi-dimensional view […]

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Nobilis Golden Moon

Il 22 marzo negli spazi dell’Auditorium del Museo MAXXI di Roma, in una sala gremita di gente, Acqua Foundation ha presentato per la prima volta a Roma Nobilis Golden Moon, film di Maria Grazia Pontorno, artista che da tempo indaga il confine tra naturale e artificiale, inizialmente attenta alla sperimentazione digitale in 3D, da qualche tempo allargando il suo sguardo verso la ricerca al confine tra arte e scienza.

Nobilis Golden Moon è stato girato a cavallo tra due pandemie, due lune piene e due città: Valencia e Sant’Antioco. Il corto è stato presentato per Maritima01 e promosso dall’Associazione Culturale Art Made di Elena Posokhova con sede a Valencia, sviluppato in collaborazione con istituzioni come la University of Valencia, the French Institute, the EASD, the Nau or Carmen Center of Comteporanry Culture e con la partnership della Acqua Foundation.

La Pinna Nobilis è il più grande mollusco bivalve del Mediterraneo. La Pinna Nobilis, nota anche come “Sentinella del Mediterraneo” supera il metro di altezza, a rischio di scomparsa per una malattia pandemica. Da questo mollusco è ricavato il bisso, una fibra tessile utilizzata anche nell’antichità per tessere tessuti pregiati.

La prima tappa di Maria Grazia Pontorno, a Valencia, è scandita dal primo plenilunio. Qui un gruppo di scienziati cerca soluzioni per combattere l’ estinzione della Pinna Nobilis con il progetto LIFE PINNARCA che porta assieme ricercatori da tutta Europa. Jose Tena e Jose Rafael Garcia March, parte del progetto, raccontano come, attraverso lo studio di alcuni esemplari tenuti in cattività nelle vasche dei loro laboratori, cerchino di riprodurli in un ambiente protetto, oltre ad indagare quali fattori nelle componenti marine siano causa della loro estinzione.

La seconda tappa, del viaggio, in concomitanza con il secondo plenilunio, è a Sant’Antioco in Sardegna dove vive Chiara Vigo, l’ ultima sacerdotessa del bisso, che questo mollusco lo conosce meglio di chiunque altro al mondo. È qui e con lei che si conserva il segreto della sua lavorazione, raccogliendo il testimone dalla nonna. L’estrazione e la lavorazione di questo filo sacro porta assieme abilità artigiane e pratiche esoteriche. Entrare in questa lavorazione significa intraprendere un vero e proprio viaggio tra scienza e magia.

La sacerdotessa chiarisce l’importanza della presenza di questo mollusco, depuratore delle acque da impurità inquinanti chiarendo il suo interesse scientifico. La ghiandola sebacea che attraversa il mantello della Pinna Nobilis, spiega la sacerdotessa a Mariagrazia Pontorno, espelle una bava che a contatto con l’acqua marina si solidifica per diventare seta purissima. «Il bisso è l’anima dell’acqua e l’uomo senza acqua non può sopravvivere», dice Chiara Vigo nei toni di una profezia. Il racconto si dispiega attento a non liberare nessuna traccia del segreto che lega la lavorazione del bisso ad una tradizione orale tramandata in un passaggio che avviene in un rituale elettivo esclusivo. «La trasmissione orale è fatta di anima che si coltiva in una vita intera. È un’anima che cresce con piccole cose grandi gesti, situazioni che gli altri non devono capire, segreto fra nonna e nipote».

Con questo dialogo dove scienza ed esoterismo convergono nella magia della tradizione e del paesaggio sardi, il film arriva al suo ultimo capitolo. Il viaggio non finisce. Prosegue tra tutto ciò che il film portato alla nostra conoscenza: la Pinna Nobilis, l’importanza del suo ruolo nell’ecosistema, la sua trasformazione nella vita inanimata degli oggetti, come i tessuti ricamati con il sacro bisso. Il film è l’incontro tra uomo e natura, tra arti e scienza, il tutto sigillato da un rituale intriso di conoscenza, esperienza e magia.

Mariagrazia Pontorno, Nobilis Golden Moon, (Volume I della Trilogia del Pensiero Magico), 2020
Il film è stato prodotto da Acqua Foundation e Maritima01

immagini (tutte): Mariagrazia Pontorno, Nobilis Golden Moon, 2020, fermo immagine da film, 50′



L'articolo Nobilis Golden Moon proviene da Arshake.

Arranging Movement In Film – Online Morning Class On Film – Choreography

Arranging Movement In Film - Online Morning Class On Film - Choreography

Movement seems to be the crucial common point between choreography and cinematography. But how can physical and cinematic movements be arranged, composed, and interwoven with each other? Where: Online When: 22 – 26.04 20249.30 – 12.30 (UTC+2) Movement seems to be the crucial common point between choreography and cinematography. But how can physical and cinematic movements be arranged, composed, and interwoven […]

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Open Call – 2nd Edition Of The Zezere Cinedanca International Festival

Open Call - 2nd Edition Of The Zezere Cinedanca International Festival

Open call for dance, videodance or dance on screen films for screening at the 2nd edition of the Zêzere International Festival. Where: Ferreira do Zêzere, Portugal When: 23-26 Oct. 2024 Deadline for applications: September 8, 2024 Second edition of the Zêzere Cinedance Festival organized by Madrasta Dance. An encounter between dance on screen and a […]

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Xposure International Photography Festival


Photography competition

Deadline: 23 September 2020

You may enter up to ten (10) images or films

photographs of films must be taken or produced in the past 3-years.

There are 8 categories:

Landscape Photography
Architectural Photography
Aerial & Drone Photography
Travel Photography
Macro Photography
Short Film & Moving Image

No entry fee

In each category, there will be:

1 Winner
1 Runner-up
5 Shortlisted photographers

Overall Winner  – $3,000 (USD) / digital imaging equipment / Flights and accommodation to the Awards Ceremony in Sharjah UAE / Included in the Xposure festival exhibition  / Publication in the Xposure Year Book

Category Winners – $1,500 (USD) / digital imaging equipment / Flights and accommodation to the Awards Ceremony in Sharjah UAE / Included in the Xposure festival exhibition  / Publication in the Xposure Year Book

Category Runner-up – $750 (USD) / Included in the Xposure festival exhibition  / Flights and accommodation to the Awards Ceremony in Sharjah UAE /Publication in the Xposure Year Book

Shortlisted – Online Exhibition  / displayed during the Xposure Festival


Video Art Call

 Video art call - sustainable views

Deadline: 30 August 2020

The call is addressed to Italian and International artists involved in video making, who want to propose a creative view in terms of environmental sustainability and responsible recycling.

The aim is to provide ideas for a sustainable lifestyle through the videodocumentation of solutions already in place, or to approach the issues of environmental sustainability (including recycling and waste disposal) with a proactive, utopic and positive view, in order to stimulate reflection on climate change.

The contest is addressed both to individual artists and to collectives.
Each artist/group of artists can submit one single video.

No entry fee

Artistic Residency Prize: promoted by Cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto.
A week long residency with Unidee (University of Ideas).
The winner video will be projected at events and exhibitions in accordance with
Cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto.

Workshop Prize: promoted by PAV - Parco Arte Vivente.
Two workshops with artists from the PAV art program.
The winner will be allowed not only to participate at the workshops, he/she will
also be allowed to film them.

The winner video will be projected at events and exhibitions in accordance with
PAV Parco Arte Vivente.

Exhibition Prize: promoted by Espronceda - Institute of Art & Culture
The two winners will also have the opportunity to show thier videos during an
exhibition at Espronceda - Institute of Art & Culture, under the Collettivo IF

The two winners will be awarded publicly during the event “Dove lo getto? -
Quello che devi sapere sul monouso compostabile e il riciclaggio”, in a ceremony
that will include the projections of their videos.



Anime Festival


31 October 2020 for Short Animation

10 November 2020 for Feature Animation

Tokyo Anime Award Festival 2021(TAAF2021) calls for feature and short animated films with high potential and strong messages from all over the world. Our aim is to screen high-quality animated films superior in originality, provide opportunities to inspire audience as well as creators, cultivate new talents, and contribute in the development and promotion of animation cultures and industry.

Tokyo Anime Award Festival 2021 (TAAF2021) is an international animation film festival organised by the Association of Japanese Animations and TAAF Executive Committee, and co-hosted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. TAAF2021 will take place in Tokyo in March 2021.

Two categories:

Feature Animation (60 min. or longer)

Short Animation (less than 30 min.)

No entry fee


Grand Prize (both for Feature and Short): 500,000 yen

Award of Excellence (both for Feature and Short): 100,000 yen

