BA e MA in Cross-Disciplinary Strategies

Il Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art di quest’anno, dal titolo “Art, Apparatus and Neural-Digital Entanglement in Cognitive Capitalism”, è stato organizzato a New York in collaborazione con CTHQ, lo spazio di aggregazione di Creative Time dedicato all’arte e alla politica, e Montez Press Radio, una piattaforma sperimentale di broadcasting e performance.
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The National Asian Culture Center (ACC) is an international institution for artistic creation and cultural exchange, where innovative ideas and beliefs converge to generate new outcomes and are shared, promoting the diversity of Asian culture and art.
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As artificial intelligence becomes infrastructural, and as societal infrastructures become more cognitive, the relation between AI theory and practice needs realignment. Across scales and back again, from world-datafication and data visualization, to users and UI, many of the most interesting problems in AI design are still embryonic.
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Locust Projects invita artisti locali, nazionali e internazionali a candidarsi per avere l'opportunità di proporre ambiziosi progetti digitali strutturati su più livelli che soddisfino l'ibridità e la flessibilità dello spazio fisico di Locust Projects e delle varie piattaforme di presentazione: in loco, nelle gallerie, in spazi interni o esterni, su schermi o online.
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L’intento è quello di stimolare le artiste e gli artisti delle performing arts all’esplorazione dello spazio digitale, come ulteriore o diversa declinazione della loro ricerca autoriale. Dovrà trattarsi di progettualità artistiche legate ai linguaggi della scena contemporanea e della performance, che nascano direttamente per l’ambiente digitale o che in esso trovino un ambito funzionale ed efficace all’esplicitarsi dell’idea artistica.
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Il centro di eccellenza di Copenaghen per l’Interaction è lieto di introdurre un nuovo centro ad Astino (Bergamo), che ospiterà il programma di Interaction Design del 2024.
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Il programma Huntington Art & Research Residency proposto dalla Caltech
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The TRANSFER Architecture Video Award is an independent award, launched in 2019, to recognise the most creative and innovative short films in the field of architecture, city or landscape worldwide.
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Biodesign is a recent discipline that manipulates living matter and translates scientific discoveries and methods into real-world applications. Through this open call, they seek exemplary representations that open inquiry into the interdisciplinary experimental methods of manipulation with biological systems for design purposes.
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Vienna Architecture Summer School (VAS²) ha lo scopo di fornire uno spazio di apprendimento aperto e un’infrastruttura prototipica per lo scambio e la negoziazione di conoscenze architettoniche, andando oltre le istituzioni dominanti e i discorsi mainstream. VAS² invita i partecipanti, locali e internazionali, a confrontarsi con giovani architetti ed esperti affermati che lavorano a Vienna e altrove.
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European artists, or collectives can apply with a project proposal for a residency of two months within January to December 2024. Since collaboration is one of EMAP´s key values, the artists will be collaborating with an artist of their choice or an artist local to the host institution.
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MUSAE aims to set up a Human-Centred Factory Model, based on the Design Future Art-driven (DFA) method, and integrate it into a (European) Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) network, to support companies in guiding strategic digital technology innovation and address future challenges in the food domain to improve people and planet wellbeing.
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Call for proposals is still open for artists, designers, collectives, networks, innovators, engineers, researchers and academics.
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Located in Switzerland, the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne/Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) is a leading university.
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Science Gallery Melbourne is inviting proposals for projects to be included in our 2023 exhibition ‘Dark Matters’. This open call is extended to everyone, from every level of experience and from every discipline and every culture.
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With the “State of the ART(ist)” call for proposals, the Austrian Foreign Ministry and Ars Electronica are now creating a virtual art gallery to enable artistic freedoms to unfold within a secure framework.
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Anticamera is a space for dwelling, an ante-chamber leading to multiple possible paths for thought, research and exploration.
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