À découvrir : nos 15 révélations art numérique pour 2025 (4/5)

Conceived as a reaction to police violence in the U.S.A., A Man Was Lynched by Police Yesterday bears a warning that travels uncomfortably easily through history and space
‘Étude on Painting’ is a series of works by Kynd that explore the process of creating digital painting tools. The process involves creating a variety of painting tools—code-driven patterns for brushwork and mark-making—then allowing these tools to generate images autonomously. The process of their creation and use is recorded as part of the piece.
A series of “Portrait” works by Seoul based artistic duo Shinseungback Kimyonghun. Their latest project Analytic Portrait, pictured here and featured (last) in the series of works that explore the representation (and computation) of human face through the use of computer algorithms (2012-2024+).
Not I explores the problematics at the heart of contemporary vocal forensics’ use of statistical learning techniques. The work develops a form of investigative aesthetics which seeks to open up the epistemic assumptions that ground the development of these socio-technical objects through a ‘counterculture’ of machine learning.
Massanari explores the ways that the far right uses memetic humor and geek masculinity as tools both to create a sense of community within these leaderless groups and to obfuscate their intentions