Vue normale
Modern Painters, New Decorators: Exhibition Opportunity
Deadline: 27/03/2025
Modern Painters, New Decorators are pleased to invite proposals from artists, based in the UK, from Africa or the African Diaspora for an exhibition commission. This is an opportunity for an artist to realise…
Photoworks X MPB – R&D Seed Grant
Deadline: 27/03/2025
To celebrate their 30th Anniversary Photoworks, are partnering with MPB to launch R&D Seed Grants supporting artists to make work. These £500 Seed Grants offer practitioners the opportunity to advance their practice or…
ARTIST COMMISSION: ‘Lighting up the Lea’ Cabinet of Curiosity No.2 2025
Deadline: 30/03/2025
Cody Dock’s, ‘Cabinets of Curiosity’ is a series of three works that are a part of the ‘Lighting Up The Lea’ programme, as supported by the Heritage Fund. For…
Massee Arts Grant
Deadline: 31/03/2025
The Massee Arts Grant provides an annual fund of £10,000 to support individual projects up to a maximum of £5,000 each. Artists from all disciplines who can help encourage all sectors of society to engage with and…
Prix du Frac Bretagne - Art Norac 2025
Date limite de candidature: 20/04/2025
Lancé en 2020, le Prix du Frac Bretagne - Art Norac est un dispositif de soutien au développement professionnel international des artistes participant au dynamisme de la scène bretonne porté par le Frac Bretagne grâce au soutien d’Art Norac, structure pour le mécénat du groupe Norac.
Chaque année, une structure partenaire en Europe ou dans le monde, prête à accueillir le lauréat ou la lauréate pour produire une exposition personnelle, est associée au dispositif. Pour cette cinquième édition du Prix, le lieu partenaire international est la Röda Sten Konsthall à Göteborg en Suède.
Présentation de l’annonceur
La Bretagne compte parmi les régions les plus riches dans le secteur des arts visuels. Son important vivier d’artistes est soutenu par un réseau d’actrices et d’acteurs très engagé.es sur l’ensemble du territoire. Si les opportunités offertes aux artistes de produire, d’exposer ou d’être collectionné.e.s ne manquent pas, le développement professionnel de leurs pratiques à l’international demeure une étape très difficile à franchir.
Le Frac Bretagne et Art Norac sont, de longue date, à travers des histoires différentes et complémentaires, engagés dans la construction d’un paysage artistique en Bretagne, avec l’attention constante de faire entrer ce que notre territoire recèle de talents et d’initiatives en résonance avec ce qui se joue ailleurs, aux échelons national et international.
Modalités de candidature
Le « Prix du Frac Bretagne - Art Norac » est ouvert à toutes et tous les artistes (hors trios, collectifs) :
- Entre 18 et 40 ans ;
- Résidant ou travaillant en Bretagne (présentation d’un justificatif de domicile sur demande) ;
- Ayant étudié en Bretagne (études supérieures) ;
- Ayant réalisé une exposition personnelle ou une résidence en Bretagne dans les 5 années précédent cet appel
La borne - Saison 2025/2026
Date limite de candidature: 25/04/2025
La borne est un mobilier urbain itinérant en région Centre qui a pour ambition de mettre en contact l’art contemporain et le grand public, de multiplier les rencontres et d’offrir un large questionnement. Pour les artistes invités, c’est un lieu d’expression qu’ils peuvent investir.
La borne est en fonction de septembre à juin depuis 2009. Durant chaque saison, cinq villes ou villages de la région Centre sont invités à accueillir cette action. Installée pour une durée de deux mois dans l’espace public, La borne présente successivement deux artistes. Le public accède aux œuvres par une démarche naturelle et commune à chacun d’entre nous : le lèche-vitrine.
Dans le cadre de la saison 2025/2026, Le pays où le ciel est toujours bleu lance un appel à candidature sans restriction d’âge ou de médium et sans thématique imposée. Chaque artiste peut présenter une mise en espace de travaux existants, ou un projet spécifique.
Pour la réalisation des œuvres et leurs installations, Le pays où le ciel est toujours bleu prendra à sa charge pour chaque artiste : un budget de production de 500 euros maximum (sur présentation de factures), le remboursement des frais de transport (sur présentation de factures) ainsi que 800 euros TTC d’honoraires.
Présentation de l’annonceur
Le pays où le ciel est toujours bleu, POCTB - collectif d’artistes, est un label de création et de diffusion dans le domaine de l’art contemporain. Ce label propose une programmation à Orléans et hors les murs.
Modalités de candidature
Constitution du dossier (dossier papier uniquement) :
- la fiche de candidature complétée très lisiblement à télécharger sur notre site, (en haut à gauche de la page)
- une lettre d’intention,
- un dossier papier de travaux récents (pas de dossiers numériques, CD, DVD sauf pour les vidéastes),
- un curriculum vitae,
- si vous souhaitez le retour de votre dossier : 1 enveloppe à vos nom et adresse, correctement affranchie et au bon format. Aucun dossier ne sera renvoyé sans enveloppe au tarif en vigueur.
Contemporary - Call For Artists

Saturday, April 5, 2025
"Emerging Artists” - FREE Entry, $1,000 Award Competition

Wednesday, March 26, 2025
March PleinAir Salon Online Art Competition

Monday, March 31, 2025
Superfine Art Fair | Physical Exhibition in New York
"Human Nature" 2025 Call for Entry - Online Art Show
Art of Possibilities Art Show & Sale
Hudson Valley Art Association 92nd Annual National Juried Exhibition
16th Annual "Abstracts" Online Art Competition
CALL | Artist Communities Alliance
- Edward F. Albee Foundation Edward F. Albee Foundation Summer/Fall Residency New York, United States ...
Edward F. Albee Foundation Edward F. Albee Foundation Summer/Fall Residency New York, United States ...
CALL | Artist Communities Alliance
- Sitka Center for Art and Ecology Sitka Residency October 2025 - April 2026 Oregon, United States M...
Sitka Center for Art and Ecology Sitka Residency October 2025 - April 2026 Oregon, United States M...
CALL | Artist Communities Alliance
- Sitka Center for Art and Ecology Ecology Residency October 2025 - April 2026 Oregon, United States ...
Sitka Center for Art and Ecology Ecology Residency October 2025 - April 2026 Oregon, United States ...
CALL | Artist Communities Alliance
- Sitka Center for Art and Ecology Recorder Residency 2025 Oregon, United States March 17, 2025
Sitka Center for Art and Ecology Recorder Residency 2025 Oregon, United States March 17, 2025
CALL | Artist Communities Alliance
- Sitka Center for Art and Ecology Golden Spot Residency October 2025 - April 2026 Oregon, United States ...
Sitka Center for Art and Ecology Golden Spot Residency October 2025 - April 2026 Oregon, United States ...
CALL | Artist Communities Alliance
- Respite in the Round Spring Ephemerals in the South North Carolina, United States March 31, 2025
Respite in the Round Spring Ephemerals in the South North Carolina, United States March 31, 2025
- Appel à candidatures : Résidence de territoire, Association des Amis de la Manufacture Royale de Bains
Appel à candidatures : Festiv’Art Nature 2025
- Vous êtes artiste à la recherche d’un atelier ? Une place se libère à l’atelier des Turcies !
- Le jardin des Cimes et la Crémerie lancent l’appel à candidature pour l’édition 2025 de la résidence artistique Artifex in Horto
Composition Contest Film Fest Gent

Film Fest Gent, World Soundtrack Awards
Fall into Focus - residency program in Finland, Fall 2025

RAIVE AI Summer School

Sint Lucas Antwerpen
ARCUS residency programme Japan 2025

Call for applications Residencies Arts in the age of AI

Villa Albertine
We are thrilled to announce that "Renaissance 2025" is open to artists and creators of all genres and techniques. This inclusive exhibition welcomes a diverse array of works, from paintin...
Call for Artists: International Exhibition “Voices 2025”
CICA Museum invites artists worldwide to participate in the international exhibition “Voices 2025.” We are open to photography, 2D digital art, video art, performance art, inter...
BIG Vestibule Mural Design RFQ
Mural Design for Bloomington Ice Garden The City of Bloomington invites experienced public artists/teams to submit qualifications for the design of a unique mural for the Bloomington Ice Gard...
Food for Thought Juried Exhibition
We invite artists to submit works to our “Food for Thought” juried exhibition, which celebrates food in all forms. We encourage works that explore this theme in its entirety, including, but not ...
4th Annual Christmas Card Design Contest
WHAT: Design a one-sided Christmas card that depicts what “Christmas Spirit” means to you. The design should fit on 6-inch x 4-inch frame (vertical or horizontal). The design can in...
Please refer to our gallery website!
Please refer to the gallery website!
2025 Crested Butte Arts Festival
The 53rd Annual, Crested Butte Arts Festival will return to historic Elk Avenue in the heart of Crested Butte's downtown Creative District, August 1st-3rd, 2025....
CALL | Artist Opportunities
- Living Without Leaving? The The Perspective of Adriatic-Ionian Young Artists - OPEN CALL
Living Without Leaving? The The Perspective of Adriatic-Ionian Young Artists - OPEN CALL
‘Living Without Leaving?’ is an art competition inviting young artists (18-35) from the Adriatic-Ionian region to reflect on the right to stay, migration, identity, and belonging. Selected artworks will be part of a touring exhibition across Belgium, Greece, Albania, and North Macedonia in 2025.
The initiative is part of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR).
Eligibility: Open to emerging and established artists (18-35 years old) who are residents or nationals from: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, North Macedonia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia. Accepted formats: Painting, ceramics, digital art, mixed media & more
What you get: Nomadic exhibition across 4 different countries (Belgium, Greece, Albania, North Macedonia) + 15 selected artist will receive an artist fee of 200 euros as compensation for their contribution to the exhibition.
Deadline 15 March 2025
Opportunity Open Call - Photographers - INequality
Roseberry Road Studios, in collaboration with Photo Frome, invites photographers to submit work exploring the theme of INEQUALITY. Selected pieces will be showcased in a thought-provoking exhibition at our gallery.
Eligibility: Photographers and videographers
What you get: Entries will be selected by Homer Sykes (Photographer), Toufic Beyhum (Photographer) and Calum Mackenzie (Creative Director at Roseberry Road Studios). Selected work will be exhibited at our gallery at Roseberry Road Studios.
Deadline 14 March 2025
Zenjob “History Wall” - €4,000 Art Commission
Zenjob, in partnership with ArtRabbit, is looking to commission a new artwork that embodies the company's history, mission, and ethos, to be installed at their headquarters in Berlin. This is the first commission of its kind for Zenjob, who are excited to commission an emerging artist, creator, illustrator, or muralist for this project, thereby creating something memorable for the company and its team while supporting the creator's professional career in the arts.
For this commission, broadly titled "History Wall," the theme is deeply linked to the company's history, ethos, and mission. Source material about Zenjob is available via links below to enable research and inform your proposal/sketch. The style is entirely up to you; the team is open to any creative direction that can visually express their history and mission, from collage to comic, illustration to fully representative art, whether painted onsite or as a triptych. We welcome your suggestions.
The artwork should creatively represent the timeline and key achievements of Zenjob, integrating elements that reflect the company’s ethos and spirit. The work can be a mural, illustration, comic strip, collage, mixed media, the team is open to your ideas.
Production and Installation Requirements
Artists are encouraged to propose innovative approaches and concepts that align with the brief. You are encouraged to bring the brief to life as you see fit. However, the following installation requirements are important to consider:
What you get: EUR 4,000 art commission to cover artist fees, materials, and all direct costs associated with the commission. Your work will then be installed in Zenjob's headquarters in Berlin, and will remain in private collection.
The completed artwork will be owned by Zenjob. However, the artist retains the right to display the work in their portfolio and for promotional purposes.
Deadline 15 March 2025
Art in Odd Places 2025: VOICE/WEHO OPEN CALL
The City of West Hollywood presents Art in Odd Places) 2025: VOICE scheduled for July 25, 26, and 27, 2025, curated by Deborah Oliver, invites proposals for its twentieth annual outdoor public visual and performance art festival in the City of West Hollywood at Plummer Park, West Hollywood Park, and Sunset Plaza. Deadline: March 16.
Eligibility: any age - no students
What you get: an honorarium
Deadline 16 March 2025
Zealous Amplify: Future (The State Of Tomorrow)
Amplify is an award designed to celebrate the most impactful works related to the future.
In a world brimming with both uncertainty and possibility, creativity offers a powerful lens to shape our vision of the future. The State of Tomorrow invites creatives to imagine what lies ahead—not just as a response to the challenges we face today, but as an exploration of the positive changes we can create together.
Eligibility: Open to all creatives working in any medium, as long as work can be submitted digitally.
What you get: First Place: £1000 cash prize, Exclusive interview on our blog + newsletter, Promotion across our social media channels (combined audience of 72,000+). Second Place: £250 cash prize. Third Place: £150 cash prize. Public Vote Award: £100 Amazon voucher. The shortlisted artists will also be invited to a virtual talk on networking by Ceri Hand, as well as a discount her for self-study course, Unlock Your Artworld Network.
Deadline 17 March 2025
Communications & Audiences Manager
The British Ceramics Biennial (BCB) is seeking to appoint a Communications & Audiences Manager to join the organisation and lead the development and implementation of a communications strategy to drive BCB’s vision and mission.
Eligibility: At least two years’ experience in a successful marketing and communications role, Graduate and/or professional marketing qualification such as CIM (relevant experience may compensate), job is not remote
What you get: £33,120 p/a pro rata (£23,185 p/a for .7 FTE)
Deadline 17 March 2025
Krio Collective Exhibition Opportunity
I’m seeking four UK-based creatives of Sierra Leonean heritage (visual artists, poets, musicians) to join Krio Collective, an Arts Council England-funded project exploring identity, migration, and African influence on British culture. Participants will engage in monthly group discussions, studio visits, and a group exhibition at The London Lighthouse Gallery in late 2025. A £2,000 fee will be paid to each artist. Fluency in Krio is preferred but not essential.
Eligibility: Visual artists, poets, and musicians of Sierra Leonean heritage. Creatives based in the UK. Artists interested in themes of identity, migration, and the intersection of African and British cultures. Those eager to collaborate, share ideas, and contribute to a meaningful creative dialogue. Applicants who speak the Krio language are strongly encouraged to apply.
What you get: £2000 paid to each artist, Monthly group discussions & studio visits, and group exhibition
Deadline 17 March 2025